Wednesday, May 04, 2011


I always have things to write about when I am not by a computer and then when I am by a computer I have nothing to write about.  Sigh.

We went Mother's Day shopping today.  By "went" I mean online, of course.  Both of our parents are a bit far away to be shopping locally.  Hopefully they like their gifts.  If not ... not much we can do about it I guess.

Today was a hectic (self-imposed) day at work.  Started out by bowling.  That part was fun (obviously) but it squished the rest of the day quite a bit.  Got most of it done except for getting the show schedule entered but at least it is flowing nicely.  Bowling was fun - I actually won a game, which I did not expect (the one GM has a much better style throw).  In any case, it was good to meet some other managers from other theaters as well.

It poured today.  Pretty heavily.  While I was driving.  Yeah, it was fun.  You have got to love when your windshield wipers cannot keep up with the water on your windshield.  As usual, it went fine in the end.

Just realized it is time to feed my bird.  This will have to do for now I suppose.  Tracy will not be pleased but her bird is being stubborn and craning for food instead of hopping into her hand.  Wee?

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