Hi everyone! It is I. I have a blog to write and here I am writing it.
Tracy and I started letting our doves out today (well, we have done it before but now they are hand feeding and getting more comfortable with us). In any case, Jadzia flew out, flew around, hung out, and then went back in her cage on her own (like she did before she was comfortable with us). She seems a lot more interested in floating around the room then Jhemel does. I am thinking when they get back together they will both explore together but who really knows? Jhemel did explore more than the last time we witnessed it. She walked around at least.
Tracy started hand feeding the birds when I was at the GM conference. The first day involved thrashing around the cage until they realized there was food in it for them. The second day was already so much better. They seem to adjust quickly, which is nice.
I am pretty distracted tonight thinking about a bunch of different things. My boss sent me an e-mail that was less than delightful so I have some work to do at work. Nothing I can't handle though - just time to whip some people into shape :)
I went to a GM conference this past week in Austin, TX. It was not so bad really. I got to meet some good people and get refocused going into the summer. All good news. I missed Tracy pretty terribly though :( I wish I could have smuggled her along. It was a nice area but my allergies destroyed me. We did have two days outdoors that were pretty interesting. On Tuesday we did a ropes course that was quite challenging. My group had to climb a telephone pole and then walk across a wooden cat walk with gaps in it. Pretty intense. We also did rock climbing and a zip cord. It was pretty fun but really tough.
Having difficulty focusing so I will end it here for now. Farewell!
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