Sunday, February 03, 2008

Super Bowl XLII should go down as one of the best Super Bowls ever played. It was close down to the final moments and it ended the best way possible (of course, that last part depends on who you were rooting for).

Truly incredible game. I'm not even a Giants fan and I was pumped by the victory. I can only imagine what a lifelong fan was feeling. Facing an undefeated team and giving them their first loss at the Super Bowl is truly magnificent. I can only imagine what they must be feeling right now (both teams).

I must say that I hate headaches. Being that I get a lot of them on Sundays, it must have something to do with what I'm eating on Sundays vs other days. I work during the day and eat a bagel and perhaps a few other items. Most other days I do not eat a bagel. I wonder if I just need to eat something with more protein or something because my head routinely hurts on Sundays when I work. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out eventually.

Hi Mom! Oh, I guess she never reads this anyway :-\ I dunno, it seemed a logical thing to yell at the time. I guess I didn't really yell since I was typing anyway.

Speaking of yelling, the one day a few years ago I was sleeping and all of a sudden I yelled "NO!" and woke myself up. I sat there for a moment and thought to myself, "did I just yell "NO!" aloud or was that just a part of my dream?" My father confirmed the next day that I had actually yelled. He was going to come in and say, "I just said good night" but I guess he didn't know if I had actually woken up or not. I don't recall the dream but I found it rather humorous in hindsight.

I'm going to go crash (sleep). My head still hurts and the adrenaline isn't pumping as much so I should be able to sleep now. Have a good night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your head seems to be hurting a lot lately... are you staying hydrated? are you drinking too many beverages with nutrasweet in them? srsly, aspartame gives me the worst migraines if i have too much of it.