Sunday, February 24, 2008

Brad's post got me to thinking (he posted a blog on myspace). Being single is unfortunate. It is a valid claim and really shouldn't be refuted. Single life gets lonely ... not in the sense that you have no friends or anything but dating someone (going out with them dating, not just going on a date) fills a separate void. Yes, that means there are two voids to fill in each person's heart. One by friends and one by that "other half."

The most unfortunate part of this whole thing is settling isn't an option. OK, I mean it could be but it certainly isn't in my case. Some people may be able to fake attraction to prevent being alone but I don't think that's very nice to the other person nor is it fair to yourself should the relationship get serious. You need to find them attractive inside and out. That's just the way it has to go. I know some girls that are truly great people but if you don't have that physical attraction, it is all for naught.

I realize that last paragraph sounds a bit shallow so let me clarify a bit. Physical attraction is imperative to keep a relationship strong. What determines the attraction can be from inside. I have, on more than one occasion, seen a girl and not immediately found them attractive. However, over the course of conversation and getting to know them, their personality strikes me as appealing and then the physical part just ... happens. Perhaps that, in essence, means that the inner beauty is shining through, I'm not sure, but I do know that there must be a physical attraction before you date them. You can't just wing it as I mentioned before. That's no good.

So what am I trying to say exactly? Well, ultimately nothing except what came to mind from Brad's blog. I'm not "chasing" anyone right now ... I'm just floating out there in the sea of singles. I guess I should make myself stand out. Hard to do when you're 5' 6" but I'll find a way somehow.

In any case, I'm not even sure if this blog made sense since I'm tired but hopefully I don't have everyone hating me because I worded something wrong. Good night!


Anonymous said...

You don't have to be tall to stand out. You already do. :)

Chuck said...

Oo, a mystery poster. Interesting. Also one that is reading really really old posts :)

Anonymous said...

You are an interesting person, and a good person. It can be quite refreshing at times.

You are also one of those people I won't ever forget. You touch lives by just being yourself, so continue being the awesome person that you are! :D