Sunday, February 24, 2008

I lied about going to bed.

Life was so much easier when we were younger wasn't it? Summer came and we played video games and went outside to play and we had nothing to worry about. Now that I'll be 25 this year, none of that can happen without people going, "ok, so what's wrong with you?" Honestly, I think I get that look now anyway. On my days off I like to play video games when I'm not hanging out with friends. Sounds fun, right? No? Well I think so. In any case, when you get older it is frowned upon to do things like that. If you aren't working, you should be out picking up girls (or guys if you're a girl), out with friends, at some social event or concert ... doing anything except sitting at home. On my days off and when my friends are not available or something along those lines, is it so bad to stay home and relax and play games? It is your day off after all, right?

Like I started off saying, life was just easier when we were younger. No one questioned the amount of gaming you did because you were a kid and that was what kids did. What? You played games for 12 hours? That rules! Good use of a Saturday. Nowadays, if you play games for 12 hours (which I have done on certain instances), people will shake their head and think it a wasted day. I can't help but feel that if I was as busy as some people I know, I'd explode. I just need my down time. I enjoy it. I look forward to getting a few hours of gaming in on my days off. It does get monotonous if I never go out but a balance is what we're looking for. By "we're" I mean "I" since this is my blog after all.

So what's the solution? I don't turn down friends to stay home and play games. I require myself to leave the house on weekends regardless of if there is anything going on that I am aware of. Is it so bad to want some down time to play video games? Is it bad to want to pop in movies and just sit around, lie around, etc, and do nothing? I think it's perfectly all right. No, I'm not saving the whales or anything like that and my schedule isn't stacked to the brim to stress me out and make me yearn for my bed every night but quite honestly ... no thanks, I don't want to run around and never have a moment to breathe. Again, maybe there is a happy medium to be had and maybe I'm actually doing all right with that medium but sometimes I feel like I'm being judged poorly because I go downstairs all disheveled in the afternoon since I haven't dressed to go out every day (not from my parents but from the other children's parents that come in to drop off and pick up). It's probably a case of overanalysis but that's what happens at 4am right? Right.

(Chuck, it's 3:50)

Yes. I know.

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