Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hello all. This is Chuck reporting from Vicodin city to let everyone know that the surgery went as planned and I am recovering at home. I'm not in as bad of shape as I thought I would be so if anyone does have a whim of visitation, feel free.

They put a 3" incision in my abdomen (somewhere that I can show people should anyone be curious). They glued me shut so no stitches to remove at the end. It appears I am going to be out of work until the 7th so that I may heal more fully. My incision location is still numb as well as part of the leg so I'm really looking forward to that wearing off .........

My brain isn't functioning adequately right now so I cannot think of more to write about. I'm around for anyone that wants to visit or call or if not, that's fine too. I'll still be here :)


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