Friday, December 28, 2007

Day 2: Immense pain. OK, maybe immense is a bit strong but the numbness wore off so there was some definite pain. I woke up at 5am to some serious pain and I could not get comfortable. I got up to get Vicodin and I got woozy after two steps so I had to lie back down. I forgot my cell phone on the one desk so I had to wait a few hours until my parents got up and could help. Not a good time.

Tomorrow should be interesting as I should be "void #2" which means I'll need to use the muscles that I do not want to use. Currently laughing, sneezing, coughing, and sitting up hurts. I started using an ice pack today to help re-numb the area. Indigestion has been getting stronger as the day goes on. I assume it is from the pain medication and then also from the soup I ate this evening. I downgraded to Motrin IB from Vicodin at 8 to see how it goes. So far it isn't too bad but the heartburn is crazy.

I think I'm going to lie down in a bit. Maybe I'll find some Tums first to calm the stomach down. Bye!

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