Sunday, November 25, 2007

So I finished watching the Eagles/Patriots game (which turned out to be a lot closer than I expected) and I head to my car. Sounds pretty normal. So I get in and turn the key and the car turns on. Pretty normal. Well, I have 100.7 WLEV on, which as many of you know, is our Christmas station during the holidays. They play Christmas music 24/7 between Thanksgiving and Christmas. OK ... so what is on at 12:10 do you think?


It was not Christmas music. It was regular old music with their regular old ads and regular old call announcement. I don't even think anyone was at the helm to realize the mistake. They probably don't have anyone there after Delilah ends. So anyway, they played Matchbox 20, Pink, Elton John ... all non-Christmas songs ... and then they go to commercial for literally 15 minutes. I thought, "oh, maybe they realized the problem and are going to bring back the Christmas music now."


More music then proceeded to play that was not Christmas oriented. Is it too much to ask for Christmas music to play around Christmas time? They play it all day all night all the time around the holidays but today went "whoops" and played regular songs. What a downer for the drive home.

I feel better now that I ranted. Thanks for listening.

So, my work situation is about the same as always. I'm frustrated while there and yet I can't go anywhere -- at least not yet. Most of my co-workers are fine on the management side of things but employees are frustrating me one way or another, with a certain manager frustration to compound the issue to ovary punching levels. Basically, it just seems to me that things are being mismanaged by the certain someone and no one has fear of repercussions. It is odd since I know the rest of my team (yes MY team) knows how to punish individuals and we are doing so. However, people just don't have the sense of urgency that was there when Jeff was working. I'm not sure what it is. I try not to overstep my boundaries and let Rich do his thing but sometimes I feel like he's not doing that thing I think he should be. Hence, frustration. It has happened a few times for a few different reasons. Nothing is terribly big that comes to mind but everything builds up and it is getting to a boiling point.

We'll see what happens. I just needed to vent a bit. I don't understand why I was not picked for the position in the first place when I am more qualified on every possible level -- college educated, 7 years of management experience, familiarity with the building and staff ... that sounds better than going to college, 3 years management experience, frequent change of position from building to building. Sorry.

It's raining right now. Rain is no fun. It should snow. It's 39 ... it could drop a bit more like it was last night and snow. That would be fine by me. Maybe they felt so negative over at 100.7 that they said, "meh, let's play regular music. It's raining." Poor decision on their parts but what can be done?

I think I am going to get an Xbox 360 after the New Year when I know what my monetary situation is like. I have a surgery to pay for plus I don't know what kind of money I'm going to get from my parents this year at Christmas so I'm holding tight for now. I'm not making any big purchases until at least mid-January to February. It's sad but it must be done.

The end.

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