Sunday, January 16, 2005

Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
1. speaking ... ever
2. dancing ... ever
3. procrastination
4. blinking

Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. a girl
2. a degree
3. a real job
4. a mustang

Name Four Scents You Love:
1. winter air (you know what I mean ... amazing)
2. wet dog (kidding!)
3. Suave shampoo
4. chocolate ... oh man.

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
1. a dress
2. something with a curse word on it
3. a belly shirt
4. your mom (oh snap!)

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. Gretchen (talking to her now)
2. Laura (waiting for a call)
3. Tiff (talked to her moments ago)
4. oh! it said things. Ha. My blog since I'm writing in it.

Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. went to church
2. worked
3. ate amazing cookies
4. typed

Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. work shoes
2. alarm clock (already broken!)
3. food (I do that periodically)
4. more food

Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. water
2. H2O
3. liquid two parts hydrogen one part oxygen combination
4. fluid of the fresh water springs

First Grade Teacher's Name? Mrs. James

Last Words You Said: something about eating meatloaf earlier or later depending on condition. I think it was, "sounds good"

Last Person You Hugged? Tiff

Last Thing You Laughed At? I don'tlaugh ever. Either that or I am afraid of giving a wrong answer since this is graded. Either that or something at Renee

Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It? I can only think of 2 instances (in the course of one day) that I did NOT say "I love you" and mean it. This is why I rarely say it.

What's In Your CD Player? a CD

What Color Socks Are You Wearing? White

What's Under Your Bed? Carpet

What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 7:45am

Current Taste? Chuck saliva

Current Hair? short, probably slightly messy

Current Clothes?
birthday suit. Wait, no, that's wrong. Jeans, and a sweater type thing.

Current Annoyance? Renee

Current Longing? To get that phone call

Current Desktop Picture? Batman Begins poster #2

Current Worry? hmm ... no call?

Current Hate? That varies. Gretchen for one (this one is pretty consistent), and then the rest is more inconsistent

Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex? eyes ... face in general really.

Favorite Place To Be? out anywhere with friends

Least Favorite Place? class

Time You Wake Up In The Morning? 6:30 T & TH and 7:30 MWF. Saturday and Sunday varies

If You Could Play An Instrument? Learn piano again ...

Favorite Color(s)? Red

Do You Believe In An Afterlife? Yes

How Tall Are You?
5' 6" Gretchen, my mother is 5' 1 1/2" so you can compare to get an estimate.

Favorite Season?
summer. Nakedness is encouraged! Of course, then I strip and screams are heard :-\ Actually, I like summer because there is no school and people are more available to do stuff. On the other hand, people leave me at the end of summer, which sucks.

One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To: Kris

Favorite Day?

Where Would You Like To Go? California! That reminds me, I have to tell Laura I'd like to go if the offer is still open.

What Is Your Career Going To Be Like? Teaching ... the poor souls :: sighs ::

How Many Kids Do You Want? 2 would be good. 3 would be pretty good too. I'd like at least 1 boy (and probably only one boy ... I know how guys can be)

Favorite Car? The new mustang is hot but the corvettes are my first love

Identify Some Of The Things Surrounding Your Computer:
1. That happy thing that Amanda got me
2. a printer
3. my wallet
4. my cell phone
5. my keys

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