Friday, January 14, 2005

I was reflecting on 5th grade today. 5th grade as a whole really. That was a very interesting year at school and I believe it defined me quite a bit.

It all started on the first day. We sat down in our chairs and such and I was being my usual silly self. This girl, Jen, that sat behind me (I don't remember if the seats were assigned but she was there) begins yelling, "do you think you're funny?" I turn around and she goes, "do you think you're funny? You're not." Then she sits down. Now, I could have taken this and brooded over it or something like that but I took it more as a challenge. If I could get her to think I was funny -- my toughest critic -- I'd be golden. So off the year went. I'll get back to other stuff in a bit but slowly but surely she began to realize that my humor was not random in the wind stuff but was highly calculated and brilliant (alas, it is not so anymore ... now I just make stuff up and it happens to be funny). She warmed up to me quite a bit and we were the equivalent of friends (as much of friends as a male and female could be in 5th grade at Saucon). So that ended that and she found me funny.

Second story. It defined me in another way, very clearly. I had a gf from 1st grade to 4th grade. The ending was devastating to me but my friend Kris got me through that whole mess ... I won't go into details. Anyway, 4th to 5th grade I was "eligible" ... since 5th graders are frequently eligible. So I was standing in line to sharpen my pencil (I suppose there was a designated time to sharpen pencils and that time had arrived). I was standing there and the girl in front of me goes and sharpens her pencil. She turns and looks at me and I look at her and instantly I felt this sharp pain from cupid's arrow ... I was stuck. Let me tell you, those arrows are hard to shake. I was instantly "in love" (I didn't know her so I can only assume I thought she was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen up to this point ... had I known the girls I know now clearly that wouldn't have been true ;-)). So I got to know her over the course of the year and she laughed at just about everything I said and everything seemed to go well there. However, one problem ... I was shy as a kite. (Get it? Shy as a ... ah forget it) 6th grade came around and I still liked her ... asked her out, got shot down (my friend actually asked her out for me because I'm a sissy). So ... I continued crushing until 10th grade or so when I stopped talking to her much and then my interests shifted a few times since then and I am where I am now.

Third 5th grade influence, my teacher Mr. K. He was my first male teacher (meaning I've never had a male teacher before him). I also think he was one of the greatest teachers I ever had. He was funny, he made school fun ... I actually enjoyed going to class every day. We had a microwave in the classroom for popping popcorn and it was just a great time. I can't really express the fun the class had as a whole. I remember one time after a spelling test and I had another 105% (perfect + bonus word spelled correctly) he called me a robot because I had a 105% in Spelling. I laughed, everyone laughed, I felt proud. Anyway, so I believe he was my first seed planted to want to become a teacher. I didn't really know it then but I enjoyed him so much that I wanted to also have an influence on a young life as I did. Granted, I'm going for high school so that'll be a bit different but ... it should still work.

Anyway, I think that's all the stories I have for today. I really should be doing school reading but I really really don't want to do that. I'm sure I have a million things due but if I don't look, I won't know.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had Mr. K for 5th grade too. How funny.
