Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Greetings and Felicitations! (If you know what TV show this is from, I love you) It is day ... bah, I lost count. In any case, the healing process is progressing I believe. As my mother put it, I have some bounce in my step now when going down the stairs, rather than the old man walk down the stairs I had before.

In case I forgot to mention anyone before or since that has visited me, let me give a complete list (chronological order I think): Chris, Gretchen, Brad, Jared, Kevin, Pastor B., and Emily. Thanks to all who have come for a visit. Tomorrow I believe Laura will be coming to visit. Another kind person. I'm pretty sure I'd have been entirely bored out of my mind if not for these individuals to keep me company.

Reminder, I go back to work on the 7th so if you were going, "hmm, maybe I'll visit Chuck," that's your deadline.

I made the mistake of stretching today. Man that hurt. I also laid on my stomach. It was OK at first but then I felt a sharp pain. End of experimentation period.

I still have bruising ... it's yellowish though. I don't think I have any purple left ... yeah, we're good. I just checked.

Hmm, I'm not going to lie. I don't know what else to type about. I am getting sort of tired so maybe I'll crash and do some sleeping. Well, have a good night. One of these days I'll type something long and meaningful for you.

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