Monday, November 19, 2007

It snowed today all day and it was glorious.

No, I'm not trying to brag, but it was such a nice sight to see and it got me all cheerful and such. It'll be in the 60s later in the week since we're still in fall but a little taste of what winter could be like is nice. Maybe Santa will have snow this year for his rounds.

Anyway, I got some Christmas specials on DVD and I'm really quite excited to watch them but it is a bit too soon still I think. Christmas music starts on Sirius today (Monday) but I am going to start listening on Friday ... maybe Thursday since it is Thanksgiving and I'm working at night.

My head hurts a little but I'll be leaving soon so hopefully it will pass. I'm going to a diner with Jared and Chris for those going, "hmm, I wonder what Chuck is doing at 1:30 in the morning on a Monday."

OK, I'm done. Bye now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew it would be a rough and snowy winter when I decided that I would move in the freakin month of December. You can blame me. I'll accept responsibility. :::sigh:::