Sunday, August 14, 2011

I was at work the other day and I walked by a senior that was clearly worse for wear.  Sadly, my first thought was "man, I hope I am not an ugly senior citizen."  Yep - hooray for worrying about what I will look like in 40 years.  Seriously though, I'd be happy to look like an older version of how I do now rather than an older and decrepit version that scares people for looking skeletal.

I wonder who I will know in 40 years.  Will I still be talking with all of my friends?  Where will I be living?  So many questions, which five years ago I probably thought I knew the answers to.  I certainly never thought I'd be moving away from home but here I am in Alabama.  With any luck, we will be somewhere near soon *crosses fingers*.  Back to the thought at hand, though, I will be approaching 70 in 40 years - my life will have been "lived" by that point.  What will I have accomplished?  So many questions that only have one way to answer - living until then and finding out.

I have a recommendation for whoever decided to pee on the seat at work.  Go to the doctor - your urine is brown.  Oh, and lift the seat up.  Ugh.

So Spy Kids 4 is coming out soon.  It is "with Aroma Scope" to make it even more immersive.  Ooooo.  For those that don't know, Aroma scope is basically a scratch and sniff card that we will hand out with tickets.  Kids will scratch it when the movie says to (supposedly) and will be able to smell the movie.  Yeah, I think those will be all over the floor for us to clean up.  Love the marketing idea .............

I have been watching Star Trek: The Next Generation and am really enjoying it even though I have seen every episode.  The next one Tasha Yar bites the big one so I am particularly excited about that (worst character on the show in my opinion ... except maybe for Wil Wheaton's character.  Pretty rough acting as a kid (he doesn't do as much anymore but he has improved to be sure).  Not that I could act better ... but in any case, yeah I like TNG.  Season 2 will be rough to go through with their replacement doctor and redesigned story lines for Star Trek: Phase 2 since they had a writer's strike that year.  Oh well.

So I really really want to move - I honestly don't care where but obviously limited to where Tracy can go to school.  I think I am addicted to moving or something after doing it a few times with Rave.  I also want to have Tracy start school so she can finish school (cause and effect really).

I'm watching Phineas and Ferb now so I am going to go for now.  Bye!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I still super love your new layout.