Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!

I can't believe 2005 has arrived. Seems like just yesterday I was thinking about us stepping into the 90s. Of course, that would mean that 2000 seems like about 5 minutes ago but it also feels like yesterday. Alright, so yesterday is crammed with much of my life but shh.

So what did I ACTUALLY do yesterday then? Well ... for those that care, I'd be happy to share. I went with some friends to Williamsport, PA to watch Emily's Toybox at "The Cellblock" (it's a jail that was turned into a bar ... great concept). For those that worry about me, I did not get drunk nor did we drive (we stayed at a hotel and walked to and from the bar). It was fun but the bar was so full of smoke we had to leave early. My eyes were burning and breathing was not pleasant for me. I can take only so much.

Oh, I have to tell you ... a certain level of PDA is appropriate but what I saw at the bar last night was most certainly beyond that boundary. These two people started making out during the set break for the band. They continued into the second set until we left and were doing a lot more than making out. Making out is already pressing the limit (especially when it continues for 45 minutes) but when they start doing some touchy feeley stuff ... uch. It was just a bad sight that I wish to never see again.

I had a rough time sleeping last night and I'm not really sure why. I think I was overconcerned about taking sheets from the others on the bed (I shared with Jared and Melissa). I was also just not able to get comfortable for one reason or another. It bothered me but I was able to sleep eventually. I woke up over the course of the night several times and then I had dreams about being awake and then I'd wake up and wonder what happened so who knows how much of my awakeness was awakeness and how much was a dream ... it's all so confusing.

So people called me from the bar last night and in both cases I either couldn't answer at all or was unable to hear them when I did answer and had signal enough to talk to them. They were calls for "Happy New Year" anyway but at least with Dennis I would have liked to talk with him for a bit since I haven't gotten to speak to him or see him in quite a while. Ah well, I'm sure we'll talk soon enough.

Congratulations goes out to the two "New Year" butterflies. They know who they are and are probably staring at the screen going, "never again will you say that," to which I agree wholeheartedly.

So in short, New Years was a success. Little pain came from it and it was pleasant overall. The hotel was supposed to be 199 a night but we paid 135 and that included the tickets (which means 95 for the room and 10 for each ticket [4 people]). Great deal I must say. The hotel looked nice despite my inability to sleep. I think it's just been so long since I've been out somewhere that it was tough.

I work at 5 ... starting off the new year working. Fine by me. I hope I HOPE I have a good staff tonight. That'd please me greatly if I was happy at work instead of just being at work. I know Jason works so I'll be downstairs the whole evening and I know Gretchen works but besides that, I am clueless. I guess I'll find out when I get there, won't I?

My parents are off at the New Years thing that I was supposed to go to. John asked me to switch so I did and so I went to the bar but not to my family's thing. I saw them twice last month so I figured missing once isn't so bad.

Welp, I'm all done for now. Have a good day and Happy New Year again!

1 comment:

Fred Oftencold said...

People who worry are indeed glad to know that you didn't get drunk, especiially those of us who spent New Years Day jail gurding those who did. Happy New Year Chuck!
